Imagine a world where every woman knows herself to be Goddess.
I'm Lovisa
I used to live a life of denial until it all came to a point of no return – what sometimes is called the dark night of the soul.
As I had hit rock bottom, standing ready to jump from a roof top, I had a moment of indescribable clarity when I realized I had taken myself to be somebody I was not.
Goddess grace, I didn't jump that evening.
Instead, my healing journey began and with it a growing desire and determination to help others!
Throughout the years I have educated myself in meditation, yoga, biodynamic healing and feminine embodiment. For almost a decade I have studied the Vedic wisdom teaching Advaita Vedanta, that step-by-step take you to the recognition that you are whole and complete being.
See, it's not about fixing. It's about owning up the fullness you are.
Nine years ago I fell pregnant and it led me on an incredible path of reclaiming my orgasmic nature. With three home births of my own, two of them being orgasmic, it's my great pleasure to share the wisdom and practices that enabled me to birth how I did.
Not only do I have these experiences in my bones, I'm also a certified Orgasmic Birth Practitioner helping women to their dream births!
The last decade I have studied Advaita Vedanta, the knowledge of non-duality, that reveals your nature to be whole and complete as an already accomplished fact.
Your innermost being is the gold in and through all ornaments.
The vision of wholeness has blessed me profoundly and it is my ongoing inquiry how to embody limitlessness in all aspects of life.
Welcome to join me in the discovery of the sacredness of life.
Your body is sacred, your thoughts are sacred, your feelings and desires are sacred and everything you touch, see, hear, smell and sense are sacred.
You are sacred being, but have forgotten. I am here to help you remember, heal and blossom into your fullest expression.
A sacred life is a life in devotion of the discovery of your unshakable wholeness.
Imagine how it would feel to know yourself to be full and complete and to love and accept yourself and others on all levels?
This is true freedom.
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